Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day Three: The Day the Rain Came

They say "Water is Precious in Paradise" -- but it was plentiful yesterday. Woke up to a clear morning -- although we had rain during the night. Thought it would be great and at 8:05 (5 minutes into our tennis game) the skies started to open up and it never stopped! But if I have to spend a day in the rain, I'd rather spend it in paradise then just any old place. Ten o'clock snorkeling was put on hold, anticipating that eventually it would clear and there would be better light to see beneath the seas! So, soon after breakfast I ventured into the Art room (a section off the main dining room with great light and one long table). Ann showed me the fundamentals and told me to get started -- my four little postcard masterpieces were fun to do. Painting is very relaxing -- and it was amazing how many Type A's were calmly sitting for hours totally enjoying themselves and their new found time.

Of course, there was another fantastic lunch (I had Quiche with Bacon, Leeks and Tomatoes) and then it was on to bridge again. Most of the four beginner groups came back and there were one or two additions. UK Bob had had one lesson before he left Wales and was thrilled to be joining our two Bridge Instructors for essentially, 3 hours of private lessons a day! Even our young twenties something male interloper who plays connect four in the lobby with his girl friend every day decided to give it a try! I got to play at The Big Girls Table again and did okay, taking my contracts in the few hands where I was the declarer (correct term?).

Due to the rain, the computer room was in constant use and a source of bonding amongst those dependent on technology. Around 5:30, three of us decided we had to get some exercise before dinner (and that the exercise class was not going to be it). So, we stripped to our bathing suits which had been on all day and took off -- even though it was slightly raining and most people would say, chilly. But, the water was lovely. I was amazed that Helen and Nan could swim and talk at the same time. I lumbered ahead -- swam down to my room at the end of the resort and decided to swim back. That's when I discovered the large starfish!!!! He was just off shore in knee deep water -- technically in front of Joann's room. I marked my spot and swam to get my underwater camera for a photo op. When the girls and I got back and found him, we kept wondering why he wasn't moving with all this activity around him -- of course, he was dead! Will be bringing him back home! Another great relaxing day!

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